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Asking for HELP!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

The Easiest and Greatest Skill You Can Have

This is one of the most critical lessons I have learned in my professional career. It was 2018, and I was a young professional eager to make a name for myself, learn, and excel in the corporate world. Not many could match my hustle and the amount of effort I put into tasks, always punching above my weight, taking on bigger responsibilities, and over-delivering on them.

One such instance was leading a major 7-day marketing campaign with a team of 80+. A young 23-year-old me was running across the office floor, giving my 100%, managing multiple teams, and taking up ad-hoc tasks that no one else could execute. I was doing everything I could.

Still, many things were breaking or falling behind, despite my best efforts.

My manager noticed this, stopped me in front of the entire team, and asked me why the project wasnโ€™t on track. โ€œDo you know what you are doing wrong?โ€ he asked. I had no answer; I believed I was doing everything right from my perspective.

He smirked and said, โ€œYOU ARE NOT ASKING FOR HELP! You could have come to me and, instead of picking ad-hoc tasks, asked for a few resources to help with those tasks. You assumed these were all the resources you had, the cards you were dealt, and had to play with.โ€

He gave me 30 minutes to understand where I needed help and made me request specific assistance. I did that, and the remaining six days were significantly better.

I have kept that learning close to my heart and made it my superpower since then. I still sometimes fail to ask for help, but not as much as before.

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Here are some of my learnings and self-beliefs that I broke, which have made me better at asking for help:

Negative association: I no longer view seeking help as a sign of negativity or weakness. I am not concerned about how I will be perceived if I ask for help, and it doesnโ€™t lower my self-respect.

Even in the Mahabharat, Arjun sought Krishnaโ€™s help. Had he decided not to take any help, he might have lost the war, and then we certainly wouldnโ€™t be praising him for not asking for help despite losing.

I am open to rejection. I understand that while asking for help is my right, not receiving it can be a result of the other person's situation. I donโ€™t take it personally or let it affect my mood.

Gratefulness: I am openly grateful to those who help me, not just to them but also to my other friends and associates. This has made them more likely to help me the next time I seek their assistance.

I make sure I pay it back (or forward). I go above and beyond to identify where I can help others and do my best to offer my assistance when needed.

Also, do you know whatโ€™s the best way to build stronger relationships with your friends and family? Itโ€™s not just helping them; it is asking for their help! People, in general, want to help others; it gives them a higher sense of purpose.

Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength and a key to success. By embracing this approach, you can build stronger relationships, improve your work, and achieve your goals.

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